Uganda March 2024

Bishop Keith and Rev. Terry at three of the schools Ignite Life Churches support in Uganda. By the grace of God we serve Him by giving into the worthy cause of academic and godly education in four schools in Uganda. This is our latest update.

Ignite Life Church has been Working in Uganda for the past 12 years. Starting from what began as a passion project helping Ps John and his wife Alice care for 36 children who had come into their care as orphans. To what is now Ignite Life Primary School in Fort Portal which is currently educating 400 students, A bible college that has been running for the past 4 years training pastors and leaders from all over Uganda. 7 Ignite Life Churches planted in Uganda (with more on the way) plus many other projects that have helped along the way to provided a means of funding the work being done. The following Link will take you to a message shared at church by Terry Hargreaves after the most recent trip to Uganda in May 2022 Ignite In Uganda this will give you a deeper insight into what is happening now and some plans for the future. Blessings

Ignite Life Pastors

  • Ps Martin Masko

    Ignite Life Church Kasisi

  • Ps Rose Kyomuhendo

    Ignite Life Church Kasese

  • Ps Paul Kato

    Ignite Life Church Iruhura

  • Ps John Mwesige

    Ignite Life Church Gweri

  • Ps Sunday Rueben

    Ignite Life Church Galilaya